Monday, January 4, 2021

5 years and multiple playthroughs later, I'm still learning new things about Xenoblade Chronicles X

Some of those things are due to how little the game explains itself, but other things I discovered through finally checking out the Xenoblade Wiki and reading fan theories. I guess the two are similar, because even the main story itself isn't fully explained in its own cutscenes. But from my reading, I've decided two things: 1) Elma is awesome once you really dive into her back story and 2) wow, does Xenoblade Chronicles X need a sequel! I've wondered for a long time why people are so hopeful for a sequel. I mean, I know the story ends on a huge cliffhanger, but I somehow never got "needs a sequel" vibes...until now.

Anyway, I'm the type of player who wants to experience a game in as organic a fashion as possible. I don't often look up answers or strategies, but I honestly recommend the opposite for any new Xenoblade Chronicles X players, if such people exist. Start by looking up gameplay tips, especially about the combat and other systems. Get through the main story before looking up characters and other plot-related elements. That's what I've been doing only recently, and I'm suddenly seeing new connections and old connections in a new light.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

First Post

Even as I sit at my computer, trying to think of a way to begin the first post on my new blog, I wonder what that "perfect" way is. I seriously almost decided to start digging through old journals, because I'm sure I started one in just the right way a few years ago.

I'm Holly, and I'm a perfectionist. The way I see it, there are two types of perfectionist. The seemingly more common type is the one who obsesses over everything they do until it's "perfect" or at least close to. The other type is the one who knows nothing they do will be perfect, so why try? That's me. I'll drive myself crazy trying to reach the unreachable, but I've come to realize it's better to simply not try...right?

Well, what the heck is this blog for if not to try and learn to accept the imperfection of it? I've always liked to write, and lately I feel the need for an outlet.

So. What will I be writing about? Whatever I feel like, but most likely my thoughts on Nintendo. Yeah, I'm a fan, and I always have thoughts. When will I be posting? Probably not regularly. Will I give up and never write another post again? Maybe.

5 years and multiple playthroughs later, I'm still learning new things about Xenoblade Chronicles X

Some of those things are due to how little the game explains itself, but other things I discovered through finally checking out the Xenoblad...